
An allergy is an immune system reaction to something that does not trouble the majority of individuals. Allergy sufferers are frequently hypersensitive to multiple triggers. Allergens are substances that lead to allergic reactions in the body. Substances that often induce responses include food, dust, pollens, pet dander, or mould spores.

Allergic reactions appear as eczema, hives, hay fever, asthma, food allergies, all prevalent skin, and respiratory problems. Allergies can result in runny nose, sneezing, itching, rashes, swelling, or asthma among other symptoms. Typically, Allergies range in severity from mild to severe. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic condition that can be fatal. Allergies are diagnosed by doctors using skin and blood tests. Medicines, allergy injections, and avoiding the things that cause the responses are all options for treatment.

Allergy treatments at Sitaram Ayurveda Beach Resort 

At Sitaram, we take special care in analysing the vitiated dosha and the stage of allergy. One treatment protocol does not fit for all; we have personalised treatments depending upon the guest’s condition. In general, let’s see few ayurvedic remedies that will help in managing allergic conditions.

Nasya – Nasya is one of the most effective and safest ways to decrease allergic symptoms. It reduces the risk of chronic allergies. The instillation of nasal drops creates a physical barrier within the nose to prevent contact between allergens and the nasal mucosa. Nasya also clears the nasal blockages and sinuses. We use special medicated powders, prepared oils, fresh juices of herbs etc., to treat the condition at the retreat. Undergoing nasya therapy is the best choice for allergic rhinitis treatment in Ayurveda.

VamanamVamanam means induced vomiting and intense panchakarma therapy. It involves various steps like purva karma (preparatory procedures), pradhana karma (the primary treatment) and paschat karma (post-treatment protocols). It helps to release the toxins and excess Kapha from the upper part of the body. Therapy helps to cure all skin ailments that originated due to Kapha origin. Vamanam is also preferred in the Ayurveda treatment of allergic bronchitis.

VirechanamVirechanam clears the toxins from the alimentary canal. Normalises the vitiated Agni and eliminates the toxins from the body. It helps in the treatment of Urticaria, contact dermatitis etc. 

We use a combination of medicine as per the patient condition. For example, our product Allerkhand is one of the best ayurvedic medicines for allergy sneezing. They help reduce the histamine release from mast cells and prevent the process of inflammatory changes in the body at an early stage.

What is the best Ayurvedic medicine for Skin allergy? 

Allergy treatment in Ayurveda begins with identifying each patient’s unique cause.

When there is a disturbance in the Agni (digestive fire), it causes a weak metabolism and accumulates Ama (toxins in the body). These affect the physiological functioning of the body. The body has a natural defence mechanism where it expels the allergens that enters the body. But the presence of Ama weakens the defence mechanism. As a result, the immune system fails to fight against the allergy-causing agents. When this scenario continues in the long run, it develops into a chronic condition.

Many of our clients have a concern – How do you treat allergies permanently? We affirm that abstaining from the causative factor is the primary remedy to treat allergy conditions. Identify the root cause and avoiding its further usage is the best way to treat it. Along with that, we also suggest personal diet and lifestyle modification to prevent allergies. Breathing techniques and yoga are also taught to the patients as part of a preventive approach. 

Let’s see what the common allergic conditions seen in patients are – 

Seasonal allergies are commonly thought to be an allergic reaction to food, medicine, the environment and cosmetics. Weather changes and stress are some of the other common problems that can worsen allergic conditions in people. The most common approach for treating seasonal allergies is to take antihistamines right away and avoid the allergens that cause the reaction.

Urticaria, commonly known as hives or nettle rash, is the result of an allergic reaction. Hives show as a red, raised, itchy skin rash on the body. Urticaria wheals come in a variety of shapes and sizes, although they commonly resemble nettle stings. Urticaria is notable because, while the rash may remain for weeks, individual lesions typically fade within a day and are often gone in a couple of hours. The release of histamine from skin mast cells is triggered in some people with conventional chronic Urticaria by substances circulating in the blood, such as antibodies directed against their cells. “Sheetapitta” is the Ayurvedic term for Urticaria, which combines the terms sheeta (cold) and pitta (eruptions). The dominance of sheeta (cold) over pitta dosha causes this disease.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes responsible for moving air to and from the lungs, which is essential for survival. Excess phlegm in mucosal linings, a clogged nose and persistent coughing are all symptoms which cause exhaustion and physical pain. Bronchitis is referred to in Ayurveda as “Tamaka Shwasa” in Sanskrit, which means “inflammatory characteristics and blockages in the lungs,” and the defining symptom is “Kaphaja Kasa” which implies cough caused by vitiated Kapha dosha and aggravated pitta.

Allergic rhinitis is a condition characterised by symptoms of an allergic response to specific allergens. Generally, the symptoms flare up with the change of seasons. Around 30% of the world population is said to have allergic rhinitis. Our nasal cavity has various structures that block the passage of foreign matter into the nose. The mucous membrane produces sticky mucus, which prevents the entry of tiny particles through the cavity to the lungs. When a weak person with low immunity gets affected, it quickly causes irritation and inflammation. Common symptoms are sneezing, running nose, itchy nose, headache and mild fever.

Contact dermatitis is a skin disorder that occurs when the skin comes into contact with an allergen. Itching and red rashes on the skin may be as a result. The cutaneous reaction can differ depending on the allergen. The reaction can happen after a single exposure or after a series of directions. Dyes, cosmetics, adhesives, a few metals, detergents, soaps, cleaners, waxes and chemicals are just a few of the things that can cause an allergic reaction on the skin. Contact with these compounds can cause irritation and contact dermatitis by wearing away the skin’s oily protective layer. People who work in chemical industries are more likely to develop contact dermatitis.

Food Allergy is another common condition that mainly occurs due to viruddhahara (incompatible food choices). The incompatibility happens when foods that have opposite qualities are taken in combination. Food allergies can also manifest as a result of food intolerance particular to any substance.